"'Juan' was referred to us from Volunteers in Medicine (VIM). He is a 20 yr. old, without insurance and qualifies for our dental care for young adults 19-25. Juan is on the waiting list for a kidney transplant. We quickly provided preventative and diagnostic dental services to Juan and determined that he needed additional acute dental care. We contacted Mirror Pond Dental who has identified themselves as being interested in treating a young adult case. The treatments were expedited, and Juan was given a Dental Clearance for Pre-Kidney Transplant Evaluation. Juan has committed to effective oral health practices and is now smiling as he awaits his turn for a kidney transplant by Legacy Health in Portland. He has been set up for regular recall appointments twice a year and we expect to see him this Fall for a regular hygiene appointment."
Bend-La Pine dental screenings greatly increased (from 25% screened in past years under OHA to 69% this year).
Consolidated and lengthened Return to Seal days, resulting in fewer trips/events to schools.
ODS signups in past years average 100+; with implementation of SB558 Cover all Kids this year, our focus was getting immigrants signed up for OHP, which reduced our ODS signups (for uninsured, underinsured, underserved).
Of 1,790 children, 30% were consented to seal but only 984 were read for and needed sealants (we sealed 895 children - 91% of those ready for and needing sealants - about 10% are usually absent on return to seal days or moved).
We added 13 new schools to our S&S program. We conducted S&S events at 32 schools; conducted 61 school based events (did not record follow up visits and preliminary meetings); 29 community venue events; Provided preventative services to 6,047 youth.
Referred 131 youth to volunteer dentists; urgent appointments arranged within 30 days 84 children were signed up for ODS.
290 children treated in clinic; 1,943 preventative services delivered (avg: 7 preventative treatments & 122 total restorative treatments delivered).
895 (91% of 984 consented children) were sealed and 7,683 children were provided hygiene kits.