“I never actually thought of going to school to be a dental assistant. Living in Los Angeles, I enjoyed working with kids. I volunteered and worked with kids in an after school program. I thought I would be working in the child development field. When I moved to Bend, OR I was working retail jobs and felt like getting a stable career going. I saw the programs COCC offered and spoke to some friends. I investigated salaries and what it took to be a dental assistant. I spoke to Deborah Davis, one of the directors of the program, and she suggested going to a dental office and shadowing for a couple days. After a week of being in a dental office and seeing the type of work in this field, I decided to start the program.”
This project is in progress, and we are on track with the timelines indicated in our application. The project is approximately 51-75% complete.
Enrollment for the following programs looks strong for next year.
Hired a team of filmmakers to create a variety of videos to promote the COCC Health Career programs.
Due to the pandemic, we have had to rely on opportunities for virtual advertising which has many benefits including reaching a wider, more diverse or non-traditional audience.